Video Reader: Susana Torres

Susana Torres

Susana Torres – Carmen 85 by Catullus

Susana Torres – Humanities Professor. IE School of Global & Paublic Affairs. Reading: Carmen 85 by Catullus (87 a. C. – 57 a. C.)   I hate and I love. Why I do this, perhaps you ask. I know not, but I feel it happening and I am tortured. — Ōdī et amō. Quārē id […]

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Susana Torres - The Affront

Susana Torres – The Affront

Susana Torres – International Relations Professor. IE School of International Relations. Reading: The Affront by Luis Mateo Díez, 1993. You deserved everything I did to you, except for that last affront, even if I recognize that nothing is more easily excused than what’s been done in the name of a love betrayed. What I told […]

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