Irene Pujol – Complexus


Irene Pujol – Junior Manager – IE Center for the Governance of Change. IE University.


Complexus by Irene Pujol.


I have neither children nor nieces nor nephews
But if I had them
And I had to share with them
Or with anyone
A lesson from the road
I would say
Dear ones, life is complex
In the broad sense of the term
That comes from the Latin complexus
Meaning “embracing, or intertwining
multiple and diverse elements
That together are a wholez
I would tell them,
That is life
Opposites that embrace
Each other
However much they want to fight

No tengo ni hijos ni sobrinos
Pero si los tuviera
Y tuviera que compartir con ellos
O con cualquiera
Una lección del camino
Queridos, la vida es compleja
En el amplio sentido del término
Que viene del latín complexus
De significado “que abarca, que abraza, o entrelaza
elementos múltiples y diversos
formando una unidad
Les diría
La vida es eso
Opuestos que se abrazan
Por mucho que quieran luchar

