Javier Peñalver Santorio – The Shadow of the Wind (excerpt)


Javier Peñalver Santorio – Library Assistant. IE Library, Marketing & Communications. IE University.


The Shadow of the Wind – La Sombra del Viento (excerpt) by Carlos Ruiz Zafón , (2001)

I remember hearing a comment from a regular customer at my father’s bookshop that few things define us as readers as much as the first book that really makes its way into our hearts. Those first images, the echo of those words that we think we have left behind, stay with us all our lives and sculpt a palace in our memory to which, sooner or later -no matter how many books we read, how many worlds we discover, how much we learn or forget-, we will return.

En una ocasión, oí comentar a un cliente habitual en la librería de mi padre que pocas cosas marcan tanto a un lector como el primer libro que realmente se abre camino hasta su corazón. Aquellas primeras imágenes, el eco de esas palabras que creemos haber dejado atrás, nos acompañan toda la vida y esculpen un palacio en nuestra memoria al que, tarde o temprano -no importa cuántos libros leamos, cuántos mundos descubramos, cuánto aprendamos u olvidemos-, vamos a regresar.
