Eugenia Castrillón – Pardo Bazan´s letter to Pérez-Galdós


Eugenia Castrillón – Associate Dean for undergraduate programs IE Law School. IE University


A Pardo Bazan´s letter to Pérez-Galdós (Excerpt) by Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851 – 1921).


In the end, you have forgiven me; you have pressed me to your heart, lavishing me with sweet names and ineffable affection; that passion which I thought had dampened has revealed itself as the passion that must be alive, ardent and even absurd, divinely absurd; your absolution and my frankness, although tardy, always meritorious, has reconciled me with myself. The impossible and the terrible thing was that we should not see each other, that we should suppress communication, when our souls need each other and complete each other, and when no one can replace your Portia in that sense. I certainly do not wish you to be unfaithful to me, no; but I conceive still less that you should take a spiritual friend, with whom you would share the plots of your novels. That is impossible, surely, my soul, that it is impossible?.

En fin, tú me has perdonado; tú me has estrechado contra el corazón prodigándome nombres dulces y cariñitos inefables; aquella pasión que yo creía amortiguada se ha revelado como la pasión que debe ser viva, ardiente y hasta absurda, divinamente absurda; tu absolución y mi franqueza, aunque tardía, siempre meritoria, me ha reconciliado conmigo misma. Lo imposible y lo terrible era que no nos viésemos, que suprimiésemos la comunicación, cuando nuestras almas se necesitan y se completan, y cuando nadie puede sustituir en ese punto a tu Porcia. No deseo ciertamente que me hagas una infidelidad, no; pero aun concibo menos que te eches una amiga espiritual, a quien le cuentes tus argumentos de novelas. A bien que esto es imposible; ¿verdad, mi alma, que es imposible?.

