Pablo Picó – I am who I am (Só qui só)


Pablo Picó Salort – 1St Year BBA-BIR (Dual Degree). IE University.


I am who I am (Só qui só) by Joan de Timoneda (between 1518 and 1520-1583).


I am who I am, I am not me,
I am transformed by love.

I certainly believe that I am nothing,
or if I am something, I am fantasy,
or a man who dreams
that he will obtain a gift,
for I am transformed by love.

I am completely transfigured;
I am that one who was freedom,
and now, imprisoned by love,
I see myself beyond reason,
for I am transformed by love.

Yes I am, because I live in the world
and I despise myself,
and as far as I can make out
I see the one who fires my passion
for I am transformed by love.

Só qui só, que no só io,
puix d’amor mudat me só.

Io crec cert que res no sia,
o, si só, só fantasia,
o algun home que somia
que ve alcançar algun do,
puix d’amor mudat me só.

Só del tot transfigurat;
só aquell que era llibertat,
i ara d’amors cativat
me veig molt fora raó,
puix d’amor mudat me só.

Si só, puix que en lo món vixc
i a mi mateix avorrixc,
i segons que discernixc
veig la qui em dóna passió
puix d’amor mudat me só.
