Benedict Onyedikachi Nwokedi – Yellow


Benedict Onyedikachi Nwokedi – International MBA Student. IE Business School.


Yellow by Dikachi Mann (Benedict Onyedikachi Nwokedi) from the book Colors Of An African Rainbow (Unpublished), 2017.

I stand under these rays of hope
Shoulders drooping from weights untold
Sullen, strong, resolute and still hopeful
I stand

Constantly I hear the snicker of time
Passing by like the winds that bore it
Each gust etching away slowly at my frame
A house once glorious
Now weathered, abandoned …..yet standing

I stand and stay my course
Listening for the all too familiar voice
My mother’s
She calls out to me in my Oriki
Each word giving me hope and strength
So I stand

Then, like clockwork
The snickers again assail me
Etching away at this house
My house
And I can’t help but wonder,
Is yellow but a color
Or perhaps it has become my core law

Yet I stand….Yellow!
