Dora Skalicki – The Warning (Opomena)


Dora Skalicki – Institutional Relations Coordinator IE Business School


The Warning (Opomena)  by Antun Branko Šimić, (1898 – 1925).

Man, be careful
not to walk small
under the stars.
May your whole body
be filled with
the dim light of the stars!

To have no regrets
when with the last glances
you part with the stars!
In your final hour
instead of dust
pass whole to the stars.

translated by Božica Cvjetković

Čovječe pazi
da ne ideš malen
ispod zvijezda!
da cijelog tebe prođe
blaga svjetlost zvijezda!Da ni za čim ne žališ
kad se budeš zadnjim pogledima
rastajo od zvijezda!
Na svom koncu
mjesto u prah
prijeđi sav u zvijezde!