Mario Sans Majuelo – A way of looking at the world


Mario Sans Majuelo – Student LLB-BIR. IE School of Politics, Economics & Global Affairs.

A way of looking at the world (Munduari begiratzeko) by Kirmen Uribe (2009).


A way of singing with old friends,
A way of sunbathing, leaning against a wall,
A way of knowing how to wait.

A way of caressing the beech trees
A way Reading their bark,
A way sniffing the south wind,
A way of crying in the car.

Maybe not the best,
Maybe not the most beautiful,
Too old-fashioned, not enough perhaps.

A way of looking in the eyes,
A way of asking questions,
A way of holding hands,
A way of dreaming.

Munduari begiratzeko modu bat,
laguntzarrekin kantatzeko modu bat,
horman eguzkia hartzeko modu bat,
itxaroten jakiteko modu bat.

Pagoak ukitzeko modu bat,
azalak irakurtzeko modu bat,
hego-haizea usaintzeko modu bat,
autoan negar egiteko modu bat.

Ez onena agian,
ez ederrena agian,
zaharregia, txikiegia agian.

Begietara begiratzeko modu bat,
galderak egiteko modu bat,
eskutik heltzeko modu bat,
amets egiteko modu bat.

Ez onena agian,
ez ederrena agian,
zaharregia, txikiegia agian,
