Juan Alcalde – Seminars and Advisor Program Coordinato. IE University.
The Ten Books of Architecture / De Architectura (Excerpt) by Vitruvius (15 a. C).
Book One. Chapter Three. The departments of architecture.
There are three architecture departments: the art of building, Gnomonic, and the construction of machinery…
Regarding the buildings,… All these must be built with due reference to durability, convenience, and beauty. Durability will be assured when foundations are carried down to the solid ground and materials wisely and liberally selected; convenience, when the arrangement of the apartments is faultless and presents no hindrance to use, and when each class of building is assigned to its suitable and appropriate exposure; and beauty, when the appearance of the work is pleasing and in good taste, and when its members are in due proportion according to correct principles of symmetry.
Partes ipsius architecturae sunt tres: aedificatio, gnomonice, machinatio….
De constructionibus, Haec autem ita fieri debent, ut habeatur ratio firmitatis, utilitatis, venustatis. Firmitatis erit habita ratio, cum fuerit fundamentorum ad solidum depressio, quaque e materia, copiarum sine avaritia diligens electio; utilitatis autem, [cum fuerit] emendata et sine inpeditione usus locorum dispositio et ad-regiones sui cuiusque generis apta et conmoda distributio venustatis vero, cum fuerit operis species grata et elegans membrorum que commensus iustas habeat symmetriarum ratiocinationes.