Irene Corral – Passing Out


Irene Corral – Assistant to the IE Chairman´s Office – IE Business School.


Passing Out by Lope de Vega (1562-1635).
To pass out, to dare, to be furious,
Hard, tender, generous, elusive,
Emboldened, mortal, dead, alive,
Loyal, treacherous, cowardly and undaunted:

To find neither meaning nor rest beyond the bounds of good,
To act now sanguine, now sad, now humble, now haughty,
Irate, courageous, fugitive,
Satiated, offended, suspicious:

To turn your back at blatant disappointment,
To drink of venom as though it were nectar,
To forgo gain, to love harm:

To believe there is heaven in hell,
To surrender your life and soul to disappointment,
That’s what love is; he who drank of it knows it.

Translation by Silens Loquor
